Mission and History

To empower West Virginians who have a serious, chronic, or advanced illness and those providing care for them and their families to ensure patient-centered care that aligns with the patient’s goals, values and preferences and provides the best quality of life. (6/17/21)

The West Virginia Serious Illness Care Collaborative held its inaugural meeting in June 2021 supported by the Coalition to Transform Advanced Care This meeting brought together representatives from many different public and private organizations, including members from the WV State Advisory Coalition on Palliative Care. These coalition members were appointed to advise the Legislature until the end of 2021.

The first meeting also included the following organizations:- Mountains of Hope Cancer Coalition, WV Bureau for Senior Services, Quality Insights, WV Center for End of Life Care, WVU Medicine’s Section of Geriatrics, Palliative and Hospice Medicine, AARP, WV Hospital Association, Developmental Disability Council, WV Health Information Network, Hospice Council of West Virginia, Hospice of Huntington and HospiceCare.

The American Heart Association and the American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network have also joined meetings along with many other stakeholders in West Virginia.

The WV Collaborative is continuing the work that was started by the State Advisory Coalition. The intial focus is to improve reimbursement for community palliative care. This will improve access to support for people with serious illness and those who care for them in all areas of the state.