The West Virginia Serious Illness Care Collaborative includes the following organizations:- Mountains of Hope Cancer Coalition, WV Bureau for Senior Services, Quality Insights, WV Center for End of Life Care, WVU Medicine’s Section of Geriatrics, Palliative and Hospice Medicine, AARP, WV Health Information Network, Hospice Council of West Virginia, Hospice of Huntington and HospiceCare.
Many other organizations have attended meetings or expressed interest. This includes but is not limited to:- Valley Hospice, Cancer Action Network, American Heart Association, CAMC’s Palliative Care Program, WV Health Care Association, ALS Association, Office of Minority Health, Marshall, Alzheimer’s Association, WV Hospital Association and WV Network of Ethics.
The mission of West Virginia’s collaborative aligns closely with the Coalition to Transform Advanced Care‘s and other state coalitions that are supported by C-TAC. The Center to Advance Palliative Care has also provided support to West Virginia: CAPC maintains a provider directory and many excellent resources for members and the Get Palliative Care for the public.
The WV Collaborative shares the following strategic priorities:- improved access to advance care planning, palliative care and hospice; equitable access to quality care; workforce development and training; and caregiver support. Our policy work and projects support these goals.
For more information about how to join the WV Collaborative, contact Chris Zinn